2020. május 17., vasárnap

2JP2 100 (17)

 Pope Saint John Paul II. the Great
(Saint Karol Józef  Wojtyła)
Photo credit:

There’s also the loneliness that can come with being pope. When you’re elected to the papacy, you have to leave your old life behind. You give up everything, even your name. The new name you take when you ascend to the Chair of Peter symbolizes the new identity you’re assuming. The old you is gone. The new you lives according to the demands of the Church and the expectations of Vatican protocol. 
John Paul II, however, didn’t completely buy into that line of of thinking. When he could, he fought it. He didn’t want to stop enjoying life because he was now the pope. He didn’t want to cut off ties to so much of what he loved. So, in the midst of Vatican demands and expectations, he carved out a space for himself in which he could find the peace, recreation, and laughter that he knew were essential to a well-ordered life.
(Widmer, Andreas: The Pope and the CEO: John Paul II's Leadership Lessons to a Young Swiss Guard. Foreword by Weigel, George. Emmaus Road Publishing, Steubenville, 2011.)

Scenes with Saint John Paul II and young people, including a clown show in the Cortile San Damaso, a courtyard of the Apostolic Palace, Vatican:

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